Jedinečný způsob, jak si dobít energii, vyrovnat hormony a naučit se péči o sebe. Tento retreat je založen na protokolech dlouhověkosti z tibetské a ájurvédské medicíny, doplněných o moderní západní výzkum.
Zažijte sílu tibetské léčivé jógy, speciální stravy, omlazujících bylinných elixírů (Chudlen), tance, meditace a jemných tibetských terapií – to vše pro obnovu životní energie, podporu hormonálního zdraví a celkové pohody! Když kombinujeme práci na fyzické i mentální úrovni, hluboká transformace může proběhnout mnohem rychleji.
Termín: 3.–6. dubna 2025 (příjezd ve čtvrtek v 17:00, ukončení v neděli kolem 14:00)
Místo: Kouzelné prostředí v přírodě, jen 40 minut jízdy od Prahy: [](
Program (změny vyhrazeny):
- Určení vaší typologie podle tibetské medicíny
- Přednášky o tom, co se děje ve vašem těle během cyklu a co s tím můžete udělat.
- Denní příjem himálajských omlazujících bylinných elixírů
- Tibetská jóga Nejang
- Tantrická taneční meditace a tanec mudr
- Meditace pro dlouhověkost
- Léčivé a posilující mantry
- Dechová cvičení
- Masáže a terapie pro dlouhověkost, včetně speciální masáže "La" vitální energie
- Aromaterapeutické tělové oleje vyrobené speciálně pro tento retreat
- Přírodní parfémy podporující hormonální zdraví
- Sauna a sdílecí kruh
Cena: brzy upřesníme
All inclusive: Cena zahrnuje program, materiály, ubytování, vysoce kvalitní stravu, přednášky, aromaterapeutické tělové oleje, SPA a bylinné elixíry.
Rezervace a platba zde
S kým: Dr. Anastazie Holečko (tradiční tibetská a západní funkční medicína, a Kamila Narayani Orsag (ájurvéda, jóga, tantra,
A unique way to recharge energy, balance hormones and learn feminine self-care. Based on longevity protocols from Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicines, as well as modern Western research.
Experience the power of Tibetan healing yoga, special diet, rejuvenating herbal elixirs (Chudlen), dance, meditation, and gentle Tibetan therapies - all this to restore your life energy, promote hormonal health and well-being! When we combine work on both physical and mental levels, deep transformation can take place much faster.
Date: 3-6. April 2025 (arrival Thursday at 5pm, finishing Sunday about 2pm)
Place: charming venue in nature just 40 min drive from Prague:
Preliminary program ( subject to change)
- Defining your Typology according to Tibetan Medicine
- Lectures on what we can do to stay young, happy and healthy
- Daily intake of Himalayan rejuvenating herbal elixirs
- Healing diet
- Tibetan yoga Nejang
- Tantric dance meditation and Mudra dance
- Longevity Meditations
- Healing and empowering mantras
- Breathing exercises
- Massages and therapies for longevity, including the special "La" vital energy massage
- Aromatherapy body oils specially formulated for this retreat
- Natural perfumes for hormonal health
- Sauna and sharing circle.
The retreat will be held in English and Czech.
Price: coming soon
All inclusive: Price includes the program, scripts, accommodation, high quality food, lectures, aromatherapeutic body oils, SPA, and herbal elixirs ( e.g. Orchid Ojas - Himalayan orchid root potion, Shilajit- Himalayan mineral miracle, flower elixir (Metog Chudlen), golden milk and more).
Reservation and advanced payment here
With whom: Dr. Anastazie Holecko (Traditional Tibetan and Western Functional Medicine, and Kamila Narayani Orsag (Ayurveda, Yoga, Tantra,
"Thank you very much for the time we spent together during the Women's Vitality retreat. An important process of my own transformation began there, or it was a very important element of the process of my transformation. I am happy to report that I am doing very well, much better than when we first met. Thank you for sharing your energy, experience and knowledge". Anna, 4.2023
"Soothing and nurturing. This is how I could best describe the weekend of «Women's Vitality » organised by Kamila and Anastazja.
It was a beautiful event packed with information and various practices around healthy lifestyle according to Ayurveda and traditional Tibetan medicine.
I was impressed with the knowledge, skills, wisdom and care of Anastazja and of Kamila, who nicely complemented each other. We had lectures, we sampled various practices such as meditation, mantra singing, Tibetan yoga, intuitive dancing, live music, tasted medicinal plants and nectars from the Himalayas. Our meals were healthy and tasty homemade food. We were so nicely taken care of!
What was also special and supportive was the company of all these women, the sharing of words and emotions, and gentle Tibetan massages. Each woman felt strong and sensitive at the same time. I was touched and impressed by each of them.
I felt really soothed and nurtured, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It will stay with me. And I’ll keep on with some healthy practices!" Nolwenn, 4.2023
"Ahoj Anastazie, po nasem setkani mi bylo moc krasne. Moc hezky jsem si to uzila. Pro me tam bylo spousta novych informaci. Libilo se mi, jak jste program prokladaly pohybem, informacemi super jidlem a ozdravnymi kurami. Bylo to prijemne prostridane, ze jsem unavena nebyla. Byla jsem nabita, plna elanu jeste dobu po navratu domu. Bylo mi moc hezky v kruhu zen, krasne jsme se sesly a cele probehlo v harmonii. Hezke bylo si prozit ocistu na tele i v tele. Za tak kratkou dobu a bylo to vnimatelne.
A co jsem si odnesla? Po pravde to neni jednoduche zaradit do kazdeho dne. Delam si ocistu jazyka, kartacovani tela, masaz prsou na rozproudeni lymfy, do jidla jsem vic zaradila kurkumu, kardamon, safran, sbiram koren pampelisky, vic si hladim telo - masaz tela. Obcas dychani pravou, levou dirkou, obema - joga dychani. Snazim se zazit si jen par veci, po nejake dobe si procist poznamky a zase si pridat neco a to si zazit. Nedelam veci denne, ale nekolikrat za tyden ano. Preji vsem krasne dny v plnem zdravi a psychicke pohode" Iveta 4.2024
Disclaimer and Cancellation
Medical Disclaimer
The retreat provider is not a health care facility and does not provide health services within the meaning of Czech law Act No. 372/2011 Coll.
The provider expressly informs the client that the services are not health services and do not replace health care within the meaning of Act No. 372/2011 Coll.
The client expressly declares that she uses all services at her own responsibility.
The retreat is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Cancellation terms
1. In case of cancellation up to 20th day (3 weeks) prior to the beginning of the retreat the advance payment is fully refundable.
2. In case of cancellation between the 20th till the 14th day prior to the retreat 30% of the advance payment will be refunded.
3. In case of cancellation later than 14 days prior to the beginning of the retreat the fee is NOT refundable (due to organisational costs involved).
4. To cancel your participation send an e-mail to
5. The amount will be refunded to the bank account it was sent from, up to 14 working days
6. In case of cancellation from behalf of the organizers, the whole advance payment will be returned to the bank account it was sent from, up until 14 working days.